Highlights from The mission Field
We have reached 26 people groups in 20 districts where systematic Church planting is going on. In allthese areas children ministry and bible studies are conducted regularly. Though in most of the placesopposition is goin on People group Movement is taking place among these communities.
Yavatmal: Yavatmal, the city of white gold known for its cotton yield is where our ministry began . Hereagriculture being the main occupation, the Kolams whom we minister to are exploited by the landlesslaborers. Three churches are constructed so far at Shalom , Mettikheda and Patapangra besides there arevibrant worshipping groups at Jodmoha, Nanza, Pimpri ,Kolambi and Yerangaon.
Wardha : Wardha is famous for Mahatma Gandhi Ashram ( Bapu Kuti). Pavnar is one of the growing fields,same time opposition is also there in the mission field . Three missionaries are serving the Lord at Pavnar,Sukliubhar and kapshi , we have a church building at Sukliubhar and one to be constructed at Pavnar. Theministry is carried at Pavnar, Nidha , Waitpur, and Surgaon among the people groups Bhoi, Teli, Kunbi,Mahar and Rajput.
Amravati: Melghat which is often in the news for malnourished children’s death every monsoon. TheKorkus of these area depend upon agriculture which is seasonal in this hilly region so they are hired invarious cities as daily laborers for various construction works. Children are left behind to fend forthemselves. There are worshipping groups ,as Telkhar, Tembrunsodnda, Dharmdoho and Benoda.
Nagpur : Nagpur, the orange city is located in the center of India .The head office of MVM is in Nagpur .Two missionary couples are serving in Lonkhiri and Ruikhiri base villages among the mixed communitiesnamely Beldar and Wader communities .Churches are constructed in both the places. Oasis Girls and NESstaff and people are worshiping , besides that there is worshiping group in Ganeshpur, Takali, Chicholi ,
Bhandara : Bhandara district is known for rice production and deep forest . Two missionary couples areserving among the Teli, Bhoi, Mali, Mahar and kunbi in Asgaon and Parsodi. In Asgon a Church Building isconstructed for worship . The worshipping groups are at Mohurna, Parsodi and Gosikhurd .
Gondia : A missionary couple is serving among the Lodhi, Pawar, Mahar, Teli , Rajput and Bhoi, etc peoplegroup and started worship at Mahalgaon and 45 to 50 people attending for worship planning to constructthe prayer hall , besides that Dewnewada , and Murdala having worship groups.
Chandrapur : Chandrapur is well known for Tiger forest , seven missionary couples are serving among theGond, Madgi, Mahar, Pradhan, Mali, Teli, Bhoi etc. We have church buildings at Ajaipur, Bhoygaon Chiroli,Waigaon, Nalfadi , kelzer and worshipping groups at Shindiwai, Mahaddwadi, Agadi, Satri, and Uthelpeth.
Gadchiroli : Gadchiroli is a naxalite area surrounded by forest where people live under threat for lives.Three missionary couples are serving among the Gond, Rajgond, Boudha , Bhoi, teli, etc, but notresponding to the Gospel . The worship is going on in Bori, Rampur, Chapenwada and Regadi. Sundayschool and bible study groups are going on .Akola : Three missionary couples are serving in Akola districts among the mix people groups. The ministry isgoing on in Murtizapur,kurum and Nagoli.
Washim : Newly started ministries among the Banjara people groups , and placed a missionary couplefrom Banjara community.
Buldana: Ministry began here at Buldana district among the matang and dhanger community where wehave a good response among these people group.
Parbhani: Missionary family placed in Talkalas mission base , very hard area for Gospel but the worshipstarted in talkalas among the matang and Mahar community.
Nanded: Nanded is famous for Gurudwara and here seven missionary couples are serving in seven basevillages with the partnership of Methodist (BRCM) among the Banjara community. Other communitypeople too live here and due to scarcity of rain they are involved as daily laborers at nearby towns. In thisdistrict three churches are constructed in the villages Bhavanitanda , Mukhed and Ladga . Worshippinggroups are going on in Baradi and Petwage ,Naygaion , Boker, shivajinager, Baradi, and Ptwadage.
Latur: A Missionary couple is serving in Latur district among the mixed people groups and worship isstarted at Hadolti.
Aurangabad: A Missionary couple is serving in Naygaon base area among the mixed people groups.
Pune: A missionary couple is serving in Kamseth mission field among the mixed people groups andextended to Raut wadi.
Palgher: Two missionary couples are serving in Palgher district among the katkari , warli, Malaherkoli,Maratha , Teli , and mixed people group. Every year 100s of them are confirming their faith in Jesus Christ.A church is constructed at Tadachapada. They are daily laborers or farmers. Children deprived ofeducation and left without care and attention.
Thane: Six missionary couples are serving in Thane districts among Katkari ,Agri, Maratha , Warli, Koli, andDhorkoli and surrounding villages. Worship is going on at Sahapur , Khardi, tlachakhed and badlapur .Illiteracy is prevalent and our missionaries are educating them . 100s of them are added into the church.
Nasik: Recently ministry was started at Kasara base where a worshipping group is started at Mohurli.katkari people group are responding the gospel.
Raigad: Raigad is a historical place and famous for forts. The Maratha community plays the high hand overthe rest of the tribal groups. Katkaris are one among them living in the forest area. Most of them arealcoholics and illiterates working under high caste people group. 1000s of their lives are transformed.Three katkari families are serving the Lord and 6 more will be joining soon. At Vikaswadi a church isconstructed which can accommodate 700 people at a time of worship and at Garbat also 100 people areworshiping . Similarly worship is going on at Nelaj, Aptona and Saje.