Training and equipping the task force to serve effectively in His vineyard is very essential . The Shalom Training Centre is situated at Kolambi, Yavatmal. The sessions are conducted in the local language, Marathi . The church planting courses are partially supported by Evangelism Resources.
Maharashtra School of Evangelism (MSE)
This is a grass root level one year residential training program in Marathi with nine months of class room training and three months of practical ministries. The purpose is to prepare them to train Grass Root Church Planters to reach out to different people groups that are living in remote villages of Maharashtra. There are more than 300 people groups in Maharashtra. Thus far, we have trained more than 350 people through 20 batches of MSE. We train the students holistically so that they will go back and get involved in holistic development of the people. We give Certificate in Missions to those who successfully complete the requirements of the course.
Bachelor of Missiology
It is a three years semi residential training program especially to those who are already in the ministries or missions field. Students have to attend the classes twice in a year for 10 days. The purpose of this training is to upgrade and also impart advanced missiological education to the students. We have completed two batches through which we have trained around 30 students. The third batch is on with 20 students. This program is accredited by Indian Institute of Missiology.
Movable School of Evangelism
It is a three years semi residential training program especially for those who cannot leave their home for the studies. This school is conducted in the mission field. The purpose of this MSOE is to develop local leadership from the emerging churches so that they will go back and reach out their own people group. During this period, students need to study ten subjects that are appropriate in their context. We also conduct few seminars for them. We give Certificate in Missions to those who successfully complete the requirements of course. Present batch of MSOE is on with 13 students for katkari people group at Raigarh district.
Portable Bible School
It is a forty days school conducted in the mission field itself in order to train lay people from the emerging churches. During this period, students have to study 200 lessons on different subjects. Students come for the classes only in the evening after their work.
Church Base Theological Education/ Antioch School, Ames, Iowa.
Maharashtra Village Ministries believes in both institutionalized training and Church Based Theological Education (CBTE). This is why we have partnership with BILD International, Ames, Iowa. We are offering different training programs such as D. Min., M. Min. B. Min. to those who are interested in CBTE. Dr. Jeff Reed, the founder of BILD International has prepared different courses systematically which we use for studies. These trainings are available in English and Marathi. The peculiarity of this training is to teach others what we study. The purpose of CBTE is to develop leadership from Type I to Type V. Various other trainings: Community health in that CHV training, awareness program on HIV / Aids, Immunization, Women and Child Care, Sanitation, Hygiene, Health camps, Eye camps. In Capacity Building – Vocational guidance, Former training, Sustainable livelihood training, Carrier guidance are also conducted regularly.